AKCP THSW60 Water resistant Single Port Temp/Humidity Sensor, 18m cable

Water resistant dual sensor for damp environments
This water resistant version of the AKCess Pro Single Port Temperature and Humidity Sensor is designed for outdoor usage, or indoor area that are subject to water or moisture (eg. greenhouses).
In situations where both temperature and humidity can be critical you can keep up to speed on the current conditions using this sensor. Combining temperature and humidity into the one sensor frees up an additional intelligent sensor port on your base unit.
Setup is simple with the sensorProbe and securityProbe autosense function. Once plugged into the intelligent sensor port the base unit automatically detects the sensors presence and configures it for you.
All you need to do is set your thresholds for low and high warning and critical parameters. The built in graphing function of the base unit gives you a pattern of temperature or humidity trends over time.
- Monitors temperature and humidity on a single intelligent sensor port
- Designed for use in wet/damp/outdoor environments
- Own SNMP OID for data collection via a network
- Temperature measurement from -40ºC – +75ºC
- Relative Humidity measurement from 0% – 100%
- Powered by base unit, no additional power needed